Run No. 2595 – 20th March 2017

Clayton’s Summer Run.
With a large contingent away on the Bike ride it was surprising to see a pack of over 40 assemble at an old haunt – just goes to show who really counts.
With the pack milling around one couldn’t help but notice Jock the Sock heading off on trail early – why does he need a head start he’s a local? Turns out he needed the extra time to go home for a shower before arriving at the Bucket, perfectly coiffured, to drink with us sweaty plebs.
What can you say about a trail in this area that hasn’t already been said – except as Pee Dub put it “it was arse-about-face” – the pavement was the first part and the bush was in the fading light. Benny the Swede had smartened up his act this week – didn’t “inadvertently” short-cut and arrived at the Bucket cursing those that had. Wrappa, another local complimented the Hare on a “1 hour run”. Molly Meldrum walked from the city to the run as a warm-up so took Darwin Don for a 30 minute 94th Birthday jaunt. Little Shit must have gotten lost because the bulk of the runners were in well before him. Grape Ape just did his own thing and arrived back when we were all at the pub.

The food arrangements are never consistent at the Northbridge Hotel except they are always SLOW – we should have all brought little lunch to tide us over while we waited to be served. Monday is a 241 deal but the staff were happy to just charge half-price – go figure? So all our orders are on number 89 – they still haven’t worked out the grief this causes. The way it panned out was hamburgers first, steak sandwiches next, then fish and chips, a few renegade schnitzels, and finally Darwin’s salmon steak. If one’s burger went AWOL on the first round one had to wait till the end for a remake. As it was there were 3 Vege Burgers with no owners – really? Wombat wondered if it was easier to get a f#*k instead. Copra appointed himself to Moan duty. Pee Dub was noticeably quite about the slowness of things, but must have deemed at $8.50 a meal there was no justifiable room for a whinge.

With the President away Copra was seconded to Announcement duty – he quickly flicked the job to yours truly – mustabin moaned out. Downs tonite for the Hare Superglue and Darwin Don for his 94th birthday. We all drank a Down celebrating the life of Moonbeams. With the help of modern technology Molly was able to give us an update on the Bike ride which began in Tamworth on Saturday. Calici had been riding constantly for 60 hrs and was approaching the South Australian border, Moishe was 100kms behind and the first Harriette was a further 50kms back. Pee Dub had a few one-liners tonite, and Wee Willy proved what we all knew – he is still going through the list of jokes they send you when you first connect to the internet. Slick was not MID tonite.

On On

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