Run 2308 – 19th Sept 2011


Centrepoint, Lost Patrol & Music Man at Brookvale Pub

Google Earth : Run 2308
Was it a Summer Run in Winter ? Or a taste of the Winter Runs in Summer to come ? Either way, even with a Hash torch, groping your way over ankle-breaking territory up at the Breakvale was not a lot of fun. Not surprisingly, Co-Hare Pee Dub after seeing flashing lights, was carted off  by the Road Traffic Authority to get a clearance for Stop or Go, leaving Centrepoint alone with the toilet paper.

Fortunately, Lost in Translation stepped into the breach and there was plenty of them and a good dose of pot holes as well, to help out.

Having said that, at least the Hares thoughtfully provided Supermarket trolleys and local children as drivers to push the more elderly walkers up the steeper sections of Beacon Hill Road. Both BumCrack and Pedantic were very appreciative of this kind gesture. Unfortunately the trolleys had to be abandoned at the bush-bashing, ankle-breaking section, and it was downhill from then on, in a manner of speaking.

Some ninety minutes later most of the weary, ankle twisted mob had made it back to the bucket, except for…have a guess…Major Disaster. Nothing new there but he was last seen showing Pedantic the “way” in the deep bush.

Now that was cause for concern. In fact it was at least two hours later, only after Plunger had shown tremendous initiative in sending for a Tow Truck, they were finally picked up and brought in.

And so it was onto the road kill fare at the Breakvale Hotel. We understand there will be more rat coffins and the like on offer at the Fuck & Swoon Inn next week in Chippendale. Not surprisingly, numbers are likely to be down even further if Last Chance Louie continues to regale the throng with his true story telling. The sooner the RTA gives Pee Dub a grease and oil change the better.


We finally, wearily pulled the curtain down on the Kyber Cabal all those weeks ago. It had its moments, I am not sure what they were or who they were, but  Monday nights won’t be the same again, thank fuck for that !

Now I’ve got some time to scratch myself. The dog is getting fed again and I’ve bought some new socks as Major demanded tediously throughout the past year. He is going to be a worry you know and you all thought I was a problem !.

Major gave me a parting gift on that last Monday, an old book he was going to throw away entitled Doctor Jerry Actric’s  “Advice to Young Men of the Pass Out Class of 1932”. I thought it was a bit insulting at the time to try to give me advice but a gift is a gift, and he probably thought I wouldn’t do a “MacArthur”.

The other night, a Monday, I had some time on my hands so I took a look at the Book. The good Doctor had some good  advice for me and advice which I feel  could also help the more elderly members of the Hash.

He essentially said the way to achieve inner peace was to finish all the things you have started, so before I sat down to finish reading Plutarch’s essay on Contentment,  I thought it was an appropriate time to look around the house and see the things I’d started and hadn’t finished.

So I have managed to finish off a bottle of Wendouree 1995, a bottle of Eee lien aardy Sherazz, a bodle of Biilays, a butle of whosiskee, a pockage of Prungles, tha mainder of bot Prozic and Valiuminun scriptins, the res of the chesescke an a box a chocletz.

Yu haf no idr how bludy fablus I feel rite now. Plaese sned dhis orn to dem en hesh hush an Keyebar hoo neds iennr pisss. An telim, izt ish ah fuckin goodah idr !



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