Run 2426 – 30 Dec 2013

The Sydney Morning after        Hareld                                                                     

  First Run 1967     O N  O N    A L W A Y S .            Number 2426   December 30, 2013


Neighbourly Northbridge know-how engages

 New Year neophytes

 It threatened to be an ordinary run, but turned out to be an extraordinarily pedestrian effort. Only kidding.  Northbridge nobility, Wrappa the Dapper & Jock the Cocksure knew they could put together a run for the dog shift—that run between Christmas and the New Year, when most Poshmen are recuperating on Hargraves Beach or Wagstaff, or McMasters after a year of stress. Giving it.  They planned a simple trail…invoking the KISS principle, that is, use 95% of the familiar Northbridge Golf Club H3 Friday night summer trail.   That way Tyre Fruck, Wombat, and Super would not get lost.  But regrettably..the best laid trails of mice (his family gave Wrappa Old Mice after-shave for Christmas), and Poshmen, etc were not to be.

 The idea was to avoid the need for Trail Master Moishe, who was about to be absent (more on Moishe below).   Luckily Mr Meticulous Moishe volunteered as the surrogate TM that legend The Grape, who practically levitated leaping up to the mark…for suddenly there was indeed a need for an experienced, professional Trail Master.  Why so?  Well firstly, Bumcrack and God Knows decided to busk for a few extra shekels post-Christmas, at the corner of Baringa and Naomi Rds.. a kind of a Fred Astaire dance involving twirling sticks.   Then, deep in the Club foot path trail overlooking Salt Pan Creek and Long Bay (not the jail, the Bay-l) appeared BTG, Carefree and Calici—going thewrong way. (Remember the Posh Relay of ’96 bike leg?  That was CV too.  Coincidence?  Hmmmm).  Of course 9 out of 10 of the 30-strong pack brought home some NGC members’ lost golf fact Virginus and Payling were noted comparing balls at the bucket.  Meanwhile, Tooth Fairy, visiting Larrikin Curtsying, and the Arbitratornegotiated the Tunks Park, Flat Rock Gully Track, marvelling at the low level of the creek, and admiring the young despondent gal on the rock, contemplating inviting her to an evening of unprecedented debauchery at the Northbridge Hotel OnOn.

XXXX and Goanna had no difficulty ascending the steep terrain through Wilksch’s Walk, past Fatty Dawson ruins (1870), and thru Coachwood Forest, before the final sprint to Nulgarra then Baringa and to the welcome bucket of traditional slops.

 With $15 steaks cooked excellently and speedily presented soon after our arrival at the Northbridge, thanks to the orchestration of Jock the JusJockey, they proved almost as good as those offered by Mosman pub’s $7.90 aged offering, according to frequenter there, Woody (well would he?) Litter.  And the schooners were a reasonable $6.80.  (FYI The Dunkirk has $4 happy hour schooners if you happen to be in Ultimo any afternoon).  But more importantly, who deserved downdowns? Apart from Wrapp and Jock, Curtsying, Adam (no Eve), BTG and Grape.  Humour by Presidential Music and TToc, which certainly impressed the virginal barmaid, who lost that status on the spot.  The evening was climaxed by Smiley who insisted on using the official Hash camera to take a commemorative photograph of the the-just-made-a-quorum-Committee, Greta Garbo style—by drizzling chef’s special oleaginous  pepper sauce jus all over the Olympus in an effort to achieve the greased lens effect that wipes years, if not gravy, off the subject (see result attached).   Finally, you know who you are, a Poshman’s lady had suggested for a New Year’s gift that he surprise her.  So he rang her from Rangoon.   

WHERE WE WENT – Click on Map to Enlarge

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