Run 2356 – 27th Aug 2012

Last Monday’s prepenultimate run of the 2011/2012 committtee was to be set alone by Your Choice. He has had far too much practice in setting runs this year so the probability of an amusing f***-up was greatly diminished. Fortunately Music Man, saying “I can’t let this man do it all alone, yet again” came to the rescue. Your scribe was forced to hobble round the course (he was recently attacked by a vicious Ent) and was pleasantly surprised. The trail was well-marked, there was a bit of new territory according to Pheasant Plucker (the bit along the North of Manly Lagoon), and best of all the runners rejoined the walkers on several occaisions thus reviving memories of the old days when we all ran together. We came in pretty much together around the hour too. An excellent run.

The planned F-Up materialised at the On-On when the choice was Pizza now or Pasta in an hour, accompanied by a practice session for the Rio Opening Ceremony. The down-downs limped through, and the humour was abandoned. To cap it, On-On turned into a sort of joint run, with some of the adjacent taxi-dancers revealing themselves as Harriettes. Oh horror! Naturally all those joint run haters leapt up and ran for the exit leaving their half-eaten pastas behind them. Within a few minutes the only ones remaining were those three foul fiends – Moriaty, Sir Dystic D’Arcy, and Voldemort (aka Music Man, Your Choice, and Tic-Toc) – plotting, plotting, plotting.

Google Earth : Run 2356


Free Beer for the Workers!
S-Bends/Zulu is offering a Master-Class in brewing. He writes:-
Tyrefruck and I will host a Brew Morning (Mini Master Class!!) at VCB on Saturday 8th September at 2:30 pm.
Should take about 2-3 hours with the possibility of a bit of a BBQ and a few beers after, if weather kind.
The intention is to:
1) Do a bottling of a Dark Lager brew that has been on the ferment all winter and is now lagering at 1 degree.
2) Prepare from scratch a new brew, going through all steps including; cleanliness, hopping, yeasting, mixing etc.
An optional contribution to costs ($10) will secure a dozen of the new brew for each participant, when it is ready and bottled.
Owing to space constraints, numbers are limited to about 6-8 max. Members of the Hash who are interested to contact Tyrefruck:02 9417 3449 or 0416 252350
(Ha Ha! Fooled you! Its not free at all – but at least you read it.)

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