Run 2419 – 11 Nov 2013


The Sydney Monday Hareld

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First Run 1967                     O O N .   A L W A Y S .                    Number 2419   November 11, 2013

Bless ’em All!  Bless ’em All..yes, all who answered the call


Remembrance Day.  And the long and the short and the tall, marched spiritedly up Kellys Road seeking the soaking bush.  Centrepoint and Calici (he just back from a tour of duty, blooded in the jungles, mountainous rubber plantations and green, vegetated lakes of Kunming China’s 15th Mekong-Indochina Hash event and Kuala Lumpur together with Music, Kitty, one of the Flyings, this time Scotsman, Yakkity, and TToc) led the eager assault upon a brutal trail through darkest Belrose set by those vets, Khyber and Wrappa (“Bless all the run marks and WO 1 and WO 2”—the two walkers trails).  Moments later, recently-demobbed, and multi-pipped reservist, Scribe Changi, leapt from their cover to scout ahead for the enemy.   Hard on his heels, aiming to wipe him away was none other than one of the leading Shits…you guessed it Petit, was that warrior. 


Plunging into the bush and heading for Oxford Falls, slithering towards Snake Creek, the troops were joined by Hong Kong 457 Hashman, Piss Perfect, (who later thoughtfully provided the attached route march map), eager to sample a Sanitarium sausage and Carob cake at the OnOn-site (disappointment was to come, though..more later). In the heart of insurgent hide-out territory, during a perilous descent, Troopers 4X (also a returnee from Kunming)and Smiley took a few moments R&R (noting first the marvellous vista across Garigal National Park and the giant B-Cup bra cups of the Telstra dishes)…with Smiley offering to hold the other’s stick, presumably a swagger stick.  Soon after, in an effort to crest the forbidding ridge ahead, SASsy Sergeant Cinders froze—literally.  Cramped severely, from calf to cowlick he retired hurt, taking his stiffened body off to Matron (the battalion wishes him a speedy return to the field).


Though well- and clearly-marked the trail was aimed by the heartless hares to, and they almost did, ambush Trailmaster Moishe.  A sneaky diversion sent all but the most strategically-savvy fodder to almost certain oblivion. Which brings us to the desperate attempt by an unknown soldier to overhaul the entire brigade by crashing his Subaru through the forrest ter beat all-comers.  The hapless vehicle finally came to its last resting place tipped sideways, and neither Yakkity or God Knows has squealed…yet.  The battalion climaxed the show with Virginus, Toothfairy, Payling, Hanoi and PeeDub charging across, and miraculously avoiding injury, The Hill’s Angels’ treacherous motorcross tracks, designed only to wound and maim.  Notably missing in action were Old Soldiers, Major Disaster, Capt Bligh, and Brigadier Grape.


With the welcome rain having doused all those devastating fires, the divisional chiefs ordered repair to the Belrose Pub. Welcoming the Posh, Lisa the Lady Landlord and OIC, has offered deals whenever we reappear—a true Officer and Honorary Gentleman. Down downs were awarded to Moishe for all his caring work to ensure our late, great mate Milton was farewelled fittingly*, God Knows, for his recognition at Mother Hash HQ in KL, as the founding father of the Kuching Hash in 1950, and TToc for cleverly being the same age as all-Hashdom.




Today, November 12 at 12 noon, Milton’s ashes were scattered off the rocks at sea level at North Head. Present at waterside were Milt’s son Dale, his wife Laura, Moishe, Jungle, Virginus, TicToc, with nearby supporters JTR, Simmo, and Music, and very much in the minds of so many of his long-time friends.  This being the 25th Anniversary of Milt’s marriage to Nan, the lady penned a touching and loving poem to their lives together during the ceremony.  We will always remember Milt (Larry Adler) and his keen contribution to Sydney Hash and the camaraderie we all enjoy….to Milton: OnOn to you old mate.



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